Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Only Girl in the World

Since September I have been living away from home for the first time in all my 19 years. Like most students I have found it scary but on the most part really fun. Learning to cook, discovering I can’t cook and then eating pasta and pizza for months on end. Staying up late and being noisy without fear of waking up the parents. It is the first taste of freedom most young people get.

Me and the boys
But after moving house at Christmas I have found myself in a house full of boys. I am the only girl. One girl, four boys, the delights and disgusts that I face every single day.

Breakfast: This is a very lonely time of the day in my house as the boys are never up before 12. My cereal is the only one on the shelf which ever sees the light of dawn and being up at this time allows me to keep an eye on the milk – which is like gold dust – and whether someone is pilfering yours.
Midday: The grunting caveman like figures emerge from there rooms usually as I’m returning from university and mumble something about “maybe doing some work later”. In the sunshine the kitchen table and chairs live in the garden and used regularly for smoking sessions and even one time for some revision. As the only girl I have automatically taken on some form of mother role so of course I’m nagging for them to do work, will they do it? No, of course not.

Serenaded during Revision
But when the sun is properly out I did in fact get a treat this week. One of the boys grabbed a guitar, the other one grabbed his beer and I was serenaded as I tackled some Media Law.
Evening: After just a minor 10 hours sleep from all of them by the time it hits 6 they’re awake and usually up for making as much food – and mess – as humanly possible.
Now I am a very messy person anyway but I know for a fact any neat and clean freak would probably die of a heart attack if they walked in my kitchen.
Getting Ready to Go Out: this has got to be the hardest part of the day. The preparation of going out is probably the one time any girl NEEDS another girl.
“What do you think of this?”
“This dress, the make up, my hair I just spent AN HOUR doing?!”
“Yea its alright.”
Completely INFURIATING!!!!!!!!!
Out: But this is where being a loved and adored by your housemates becomes an advantage. Being out and having 3 of them out at the same time as you, somewhere in the same club, is always a positive. I’m not one to want guys all over me in a club, I go out to dance with the girls so when any unwanted attention comes by… “Toby! Tim! George!” Problem gone. Brilliant.

How George cleans the oven
They may be messy, lazy, a bit smelly and just a bunch of lads but they are my lads. They may clean the oven whilst getting drunk or acquire road signs but they are hilarious. Even though when I first came to uni I would never have chosen to live in a just a boys house; now I wouldn’t change it for the world.

1 comment:

  1. So funny! I live in a house full of boys as well, and this is my life EXACTLY. Good to know I'm not alone. :)
